Introduction to Canadian Center Of Science And Education
Established in 2006, Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE) is a for-profit, private publisher, which delivers unsurpassed support and services to researchers and educators in not only Canada but also all around the globe.
What Are Preprint Articles?
Publications, which need to be printed in a peer-reviewed journal, are required to undergo extensive reviewer critique, which often takes more than expected time. However, the problem with research-based articles is that they need to be circulated and distributed in the scientific community quickly. This led researchers around the world to distribute documents known as 'preprints' which are copies still waiting to undergo peer-review. However, when a scholar or researcher is being assessed for promotion or tenure, preprints are not weighed heavily unless it becomes the part of a peer-reviewed publication.
The US Department of energy, Office of Science and Technical Information defines preprints as, "a document in pre-publication status, particularly, an article submitted to a journal for publication." Today, when rapid transmission of researched knowledge is critical, the ability to submit preprints to a peer-reviewed journal grants immense leverage to researchers.
Publishers' Submission Policies Regarding the Use of Preprints Prior to Publication
It is widely known that the Canadian Center of Science and Education did not accept preprinted articles in the past. However, they revised this policy on March 1, 2014. The new policy explains that the CCSE will accept all submissions that have appeared on the preprint servers like arXiv, bioRxiv, Nature Precedings, Philica, Vixra, and the Social Science Research Network. According to the revised policy, the Canadian Center of Science and Education would also accept preprints, which have earlier been presented at a conference or have been published in other blogs or posters.
The Canadian Center of Science and Education also released a detailed document, which explains the submission guidelines in detail.
Why Change The Policy?
All authors and researchers around the world wish to get their studies published in a reputable journal after a preprint, as this provides ample exposure. However, when an interview or evaluation is conducted regarding the candidate's promotion, the preprints are not considered important or relevant until they are published in a peer-reviewed journal. Considering this, the Canadian Center of Science and Education updated the policy to provide better services to the scholarly authors, readers, and the community.
Accepting preprint submissions gives the chance to researchers and authors to become the part of a well-known peer-reviewed journal and gives them ample leverage in the future while creating adequate exposure for their work.
These revisions in the policies, which earlier restricted preprint submissions, means that the Canadian Center of Science and Education has a strong sense of responsibility and it is a serious, rigorous publisher, which aims at providing authors the opportunity to highlight their research without any hassles.