The Canadian Center of Science and Education (Linkedin) is an organization that is devoted to assisting in creating research opportunities via funding initiatives across a wide range of subject areas. Many of the topics that the CCSE supports through its funding are scientific in nature, as there are always a great deal of research projects taking place in the scientific field—projects that have the potential to improve lives. Free online access to journals gives users an engaging experience and full text of research articles is also available as print edition. Researchers who would like to have their research project financed are also encouraged to contact the Canadian Center of Science and Education.
Journal of Plant Studies is published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education and featured content has played a key role in raising awareness on important topics such as plant anatomy and morphology, plant ecology, and plant physiology. The academic community can make use of the online journal format to make the most of their time. Print copies can also be ordered at CCSE website.
CAB Abstracts has had significant impact on research. CAB Abstracts has become a leading source for abstracts for hundreds and thousands of full-text research journals, literature reviews, conference proceedings, reports and publications for the applied life sciences. The searchable database produced by CABI covers most subjects and allied disciplines in life sciences in the broadest sense. The rigorously collected records presently include more information than any other online database. Researchers can access well-known and less famous publications from over 116 countries in 50 different languages. Reviewed by experienced subject specialists, this database makes searching easier and is the 'number one search choice' for hundreds of the world's leading universities and research centers.
Journal of Plant Studies generated widespread coverage in the CAB Abstracts database. Regular indexing of JPS articles in CAB Abstracts ensures knowledge transfer and provides a unique opportunity for the academic community to stay current in a constantly changing field. The database is easily searchable by topic and researchers and other interested professionals can advance their learning at their own pace.
This affiliation of JPS and CAB database guarantees permanent archiving and professionals can focus on the content that matters most to them. It's never been easier to find specialty information or get familiar with landmark research and scientific breakthroughs. In addition to instant access to world-class research and accurate information, the indexing of Journal of Plant Studies by CAB Abstracts also makes it easy for the academic community to stay ahead.
CCSE are enthusiastic about public welfare undertaking, which is why they make sure that all reviewers are reliable. No reviewer is allowed to discuss a manuscript with anyone who hasn't already been authorized by the editor. This avoids any chance of plagiarism or disclosure of author's data.